Bishop Tavis Lane Grant II is the Senior Pastor of the Greater First of the Northwest in East Chicago, Indiana. He is in his 30th year of serving as the Senior Pastor of the congregation. He is married to Elder Robin Grant and father of two sons, Tavis L. Grant, III and Elder Tavell Grant.
Bishop Grant has been favored by God to reach the masses for the cause of Christ.
He successfully organized and launched a second campus called the Greater Life Chapel in Gary, Indiana in 2011.
Greater First, under his leadership has a unique collaborative of culturally and socially centered ministries.
Bishop Grant is an alumni of Moody Bible College and has several honorary doctorates.
He has served internationally prominent leaders such as Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr., Bishop J. Delano Ellis, Bishop Larry D. Trotter, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., and Bishop Timothy Clark.
He has established synergistic community relations to resolve incidents affecting vulnerable populations in the US and around the world. He has helped to bring relief during the Rowanda Genocide, Hurricane Katrina, Flint Water Crisis, Jacksonville Water Crisis, East Chicago Lead Crisis, and many others.
Bishop Grant has received the Hoosier Environmental Council’s Frontline Advocate of the Year Award, Northwest Indiana Civil and Human Rights Drum Major Award, and Metropolitan Asian Family Activist Award.
He is the Founder and Presiding Prelate of the Antioch Network of Churches & Ministries. His ministry is known extensively around the world, ministering in the countries such as South Africa, Kenya, Namibia, Angola, Mexico, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Caribbean, Brazil, and Germany. He also serves as Chief Apostle over congregations that have submitted to him as their covering.
The Lord has truly blessed, sustained and favored Bishop Tavis L. Grant, II to serve churches and ministries and be recognized and respected as a spiritual leader and national civil rights activist.
You will often times hear him say “Tough times don’t last, tough people do!” His life is a true testament to the saving, healing and delivering power of God.